Thursday, December 8, 2016

Chapter Eight: The Retuschieren King

The stagger back, Lucas said, had him notice how disrupted he was. Mostly on account of the terror, and also probably the exhaustion, he would point out. Being in that condition, he says, probably is what caused him to look into a room he'd never noticed before. He said the way the walls folded into it right off the entrance of a corridor he knew (that went to the store rooms and officers bunks) would likely make it easy to miss he said he figured. Another way he'd make sense of it was that he wasn't often to going this way, and in this direction; so it was maybe not so crazy for him to have missed it before. 

Even so, it was more suspect than not, he'd say. For example, the real bright light that poured out from the middle of it from a big window up in front of the far wall of the room. Could have been a brand new flatscreen television set the way he described it, but of course they weren't even an idea by that time. And then he'd correct me and say that it wasn't on the wall, it was in the middle of the air back there behind the Ret sitting on the throne. He'd argue with me, saying there was so much light coming out of it, he'd say, that because of the weather, and that it was an inside room, there was no way it could have been a window. But there it was, he said, and that was how he always described it to me, so there you go. I would never argue with him.

Going on, he'd say there was a big Ret sitting in front of it. Had to be the king of them, he said he figured, though he'd never seen him prior to that; and the Ones he did see never talked about anything else but what their plans were and what they were doing. At any rate, the Retuschieren King was sitting over on this big wood chair in the middle of this room and all this light. So Lucas says he slowed down to get a better look because what in the hell. I notice, as an aside, that even with how he'd seen so much oddness in his life, Lucas is still a goddam peeping tom for it. Gets his rocks off like that. Most people will habituate to most things and then stop thinking about them so much, if at all. But not this One. He'd still follow it down like a RABBITHOLE until he either got to the end of it or the end of it got to him.  

Anyway, like he said, it was harsh what was coming in from that window. And you know how when strong light is in the eyes, you might as well be sticking your fingers in them. But Lucas said he could still hear all right and he heard there was another one in there talking to the King. And he said he kept walking, so his eyes got used to it, and the new angles gave him a better view and he says that he saw that it looked like the King was in grief, but still listening to who was talking. Like he was being briefed. Lucas figured it was over one of them that died in the battle and was close to him or some such, though they seemed to All look the same to him, Lucas said. 

And POP, Lucas saw something shocking to him if you can believe that. He saw the King was messing with something in his lap. Lucas said, it was- at first what he thought- was his member, but actually was less of a penis and more of what a stretched out version of what the lady's parts look like. He would say it like "a miniature thing with hanging wings that sort of flapped and swung while he messed with it". Like a bat. So I don't know outside of that. Like nothing I know. Like it was man parts and lady's parts or something. 

Either way though, what he was saying was that the king, in his grief, he was playing with his thing. Lucas said it seemed to be all he could figure was happening though he had no idea why it would be the natural thing for them to do. He said this question occupied and dumbfounded his mind so completely and so thoroughly in the moment, that he did not notice how his legs kept walking him past without him realizing it, so that he did not see the King finish, though he heard the finish and that startled Lucas, he said. Because of the suddenness of the noise it made.

But when he looked back, he saw that the room looked normal again, no lit up window, and no Retuschieren King on a wood throne. But he still heard voices in there, though at this point he didn't give a shit about looking anymore because he was probably hallucinating, he said, from nearly being dead to exhaustion. Besides, he would always say They were not anything like He was, so who the hell knows with Them. For all of that, everything in his head could be fake he realizes, so he couldn't possibly judge and he kept on with walking he said, and didn't stop until he got to his lean-to. He was done. 

He said he was just about to sack out when he heard a commotion from where he came from and saw two Retuschieren coming from that room. They were in robes and they were chanting and walking together. Lucas said that without him seeing how, the two Giants were behind and on either side of him; all three of them walking back up the walkway to the catwalk. He says he thought he was already dreaming, and his brain hurt. He figured they were doing something to him because of what he saw in the room.

When they got to the middle of the gangway, Lucas would say it was clear to him he was to do like they were doing. And he said he tried, though awkwardly through his tiredness. Likewise, he said he was compelled to join in on the chant, but it was nonsense to him. Something, he said, like  "I DONE, I, HI, ARM REST", which he thought was ridiculous and embarrassing as it was obvious. But he said he noticed that thinking stopped short, because he says "great orbs of gold light drew down into our sphere." He makes me say those exact words. He would also say he had to say it that way because it was the only way to say it despite how it sounded. Even to him, he would insist. 

He would explain that the orbs had come out from were we are, but from another place, if you can get that. I can't. But that moment did something to him he said, because they came out there at Kerberos to finally do what they three had done, after all the rest that happened. He said right then he knew why they had been there and why the Greensleeves had made the Nazi's to go after them with their animals. But now Kerberos was gelled and could stand for a good long time without them.

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